Why choose us?

Aside from being champions of quality financial planning, here are a few more reasons to choose us…

Our specialism is our edge

When making decisions that will shape your future, you need a financial planner who understands you. We specialise in professional rugby players, and we have a solid understanding of your career path, your experiences on and off the pitch, and great knowledge of income protection.

We have been in your shoes

Plenty of people tell you they “get it”, but we really do, as we have been where you are right now. We understand the challenges you face as you navigate your career as a rugby player. Our financial adviser, Mark, was a professional rugby player himself, and Dacre has helped many players throughout their careers.

We're a complete package

We use our connections inside and outside the professional sports sector to bring your ideas to life. We will work with your agent to make sure your contract is efficient and suggest tweaks when needed to meet your goals and maximise your financial position for the end of your career.

Read our VouchedFor reviews

See what clients say about the team by reading our VouchedFor reviews. We have also been listed as a “Top Rated Firm” in the 2024 guide and we are the only Top Rated Firm in Wilmslow.

DBL Asset Management profile